We have confirmed BSides Tallinn 2025 date and location.
Date: September 25th, 2025.
Venue: T1 Center – Peterburi tee 2, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia.
BSides Tallinn 2024 was a massive success again for the 4th consecutive year. Thanks to all the people who visited, who submitted and presented their talks, the Call for Papers committee, the sponsors, our partners and service providers, the volunteers and team. Thanks to the community!
Find the full agenda with 13 talks and 5 workshops here: BSides Tallinn 2024 agenda and speakers.
Important information:
- Registration onsite starts at 09:00 local time. You don't need a phyiscal/printout ticket, access is based on ticketholder name for whom ticket was purchased. Bring your ID.
- Stage 1 and stage 2 run parallel. Don't worry, we will record talks (with speaker's permission) so you can stream talks later you missed live.
- Workshops have limited capacity (see agenda). Specific attendance instructions will be provided closer to event time. Workshops take place across the yard from the main venue at The Void room, Telliskivi tn 60a-5.
BSides Tallinn 2024 will take place at Von Krahl theatre. The address is Telliskivi 60a/9, Tallinn.
To be clear: it's the same place as two previous times. Two years ago the building was called Vaba Lava, last year it was called JAIK, and this year it is called Von Krahl (crazy stuff, we know). There is a big text VON KRAHL on the building.

The venue is in the district of Telliskivi Loomelinnak. Telliskivi loomelinnak on Tallinn map:

BSides Tallinn web presence is hosted by Zone.
Special thanks to supporter ticket purchasers, among others...
Tarmo (MomraT) Mamers
Mr H
Rush Street Interactive
Maru | Cerebral Security
This crowd makes the community what it is!
Code of Conduct
- Be open to new ideas and sharing
- Have fun
- Avoid having “fun” at the expense of others (spamming, trolling, harassing, the list goes on)
- Respect the privacy of others
- Protect everyone's data
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Don't be an asshole
- Be generally a nice person
In the end the organizers will define what is “being an asshole”. If you experience someone breaking the code of conduct, report it to the organizers via security@bsides.ee.
We sold BSides Tallinn 2024 tickets at two tiers: Community (€75) and Supporter (€250) tickets. As of now, we are totally, fully sold out.
If you're a person who usually wins with lottery, then send an email to waitinglist@bsides.ee. In the unlikely event we have returns or extra tickets, we will inform people in the waiting list.
Call For Papers for BSides Tallinn 2024 is now closed. We welcomed stories from blueteamers, redteamers, security enthusiasts, researchers and practitioners, and invited you to share your discoveries, lessons learned and experience you had on this vast field we call security.
Submissions are reviewed by the CFP board. After the review is complete, we will announce the agenda for BSides Tallinn 2024.
Our successful program for student access is back with special sponsorship from Rushmore.
The aim of this collaboration is to invite high school and university infosec students, offer a supportive and open platform to present their works, create friendly atmosphere to exchange experiences and knowledge between practitioners, researchers, students and other members of the community.
BSides Tallinn Student Program offers 30 free entrance tickets to university students, high school students or vocational school students studying information security, cybersecurity or some related field. The program is applicable to students in Estonian schools/universities. English fluency is expected.
How to take part?
- Fill in this registration form Registration closed and all slots filled, participants will be contacted directly
See you at BSides! Questions or need help? Write to us at info@bsides.ee.
Sponsored by:
BSides is a worldwide infosec event, organized by the local infosec community in every city it is held. BSides Tallinn is organized by a non-profit core-team, volunteers and sponsors since 2021. One distinguished element of all BSides events is that the talks on the stage are proposed by anyone and selected by a program committee consisting of local infosec gurus.
What is the content of BSides? Talks, presentations, demos, proof-of-concepts across a very broad spectrum of infosec topics. All of the content is proposed by community members. Final talks will be picked by a committee of professionals representing the organizers, private companies, academia, the state, freelancers.
But it is not just the smart stuff on stage. Almost as important (or maybe even more) is the informal part where you get to know other people.
Sponsors are also integral part of the community and thanks to their support, the event takes place in its proper form. Volunteering is an unique opportunity to gain experience in organizing high-interest community event, meet exciting people, peek behind the scenes and just have fun.
Check out our Twitter and Facebook or come hang in our Slack.
Save the date for BSides Tallinn 2024: September 19th, 2024.
BSides Tallinn is organized by:

Silvia Väli
call for papers, speakers, agenda

Hans Lõugas
finance, tickets, web

Johanna Saar
partners & sponsors, marketing

Ken Peedimaa
workshops, volunteers

Matis Palm
event & logistics

Rainer Tugevus
event production, security

Martti Kebinau
warm-up & after-party