September 22nd, 2022
Timezone Tallinn/GMT +3
Try tapping a title to expand.
Main track
Student track
a.k.a. VillageRegistration & check-in
Bring your ID to check-in. We'll make sure the coffee is hot.
DIY badge setup @ Student track / Village with team, from 10:00 until the end.

Legacy Physical Security
Mait Peekma, Mihkel Raba

GRU vs. Minions thaddeus e. grugq

Bypassing AppLocker protection by manipulating its cache Grzegorz Tworek
Try not to eat too much, because the food will be delicious.

CrowdSec for absolute beginners Klaus Agnoletti

How I Met Your Sessions Taavi Sonets, razu

Reverse engineering Mobile-ID functionality on the SIM card Semjon Kravtšenko
We also have tea. And sandwiches. Just what you need.

Starting with Windows kernel & drivers research Jaanus Kääp

Prioritising your security work using MITRE ATT&CK Floris Ladan

Metagraphs as a Tool for Enhanced Supply Chain Security? Luisa Caretta Hopp

KronoDroid: addressing current challenges for AI-based Android malware detection? Alejandro Guerra Manzanares
Closing notes
We'll come to a conclusion. Guidance how to get to the afterparty.
Afterparty @ Humalakoda
Time for some rest and recuperation. Access for ticketholders only.
Code of Conduct
- Be open to new ideas and sharing
- Have fun
- Avoid having “fun” at the expense of others (spamming, trolling, harassing, the list goes on)
- Respect the privacy of others
- Protect everyones data
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Don't be an asshole
- Be generally a nice person
In the end the organizers will define what is “being an asshole”. If you experience someone breaking the code of conduct, report it to the organizers via
Project is delivered with the help of Estonian Internet Foundation (Projekti viiakse ellu Eesti Interneti SA abiga).
No Starch Press – the finest in geek entertainment – offers everyone attending BSides Tallinn 2022 some great surprises. Discover freebies and sweet deals at the event.
BSides Tallinn web presence is hosted by Zone.
BSides Tallinn 2022 will take place on Sep 22nd at Vaba Lava center (Telliskivi 60a/9).
The afterparty will take place at Humalakoda bar (Kopli 1).
The venue and the afterparty bar are in the district of Telliskivi Loomelinnak. Telliskivi loomelinnak on Tallinn map:

The afterparty at Humalakoda is within walking distance from the venue Vaba Lava:

BSides Tallinn 2022 provides each participant a very special badge in our legacy theme. But it's not just a badge, but also a DIY soldering project. Each participant can design their own custom configuration.
Special thanks to Konstantin Shibin for the design.
Tune in to BSides Tallinn 2022 soundtrack via our Spotify playlist.
Our call for papers is now closed! Thank you for tremendous turnout of exiting topics. The call for papers board was led by Aigar Käis (Telia), and included Andres Elliku (Wise), Tiit Hallas, Mai Kraft (Elisa), Merike Käo (Double Shot Security), Sille Arikas (Clarified Security), Eno Menov (Tartu Häkkerikoda), Tõnu Tammer (CERT-EE).
One piece of feedback we got last year was that it would be great to see more of young and upcoming infosec enthusiasts at the event. We thought OK, challenge accepted!
First of all, we have a Student track. Submit your idea for a talk at the Student track and if you are among the speakers chosen by the program committee, you get free access to the event.
But that is not all! At BSides Tallinn 2022, we have a special Student Get-In-Free Program. The name says it all, doesn't it? With the program, 40 studentss access BSides Tallinn for free. It works like that:
- Thanks to Estonian Internet Foundation, we have 30 tickets for students
- 5 super-rare OG ticket holders can now each bring in 2 students with full access
- Students interested in free access should register their name and we will select the lucky winners
How to apply for a free student ticket?
- Register your name and email via this form Registration closed!
- You can enter up to 500 characters of additional info. Write why we should choose you if we have more applicants than 40
- We will announce free ticket winners before the event.
Can you submit both a talk proposal for the Student track and application for a free ticket via Student Get-In-Free Program? Yes, absolutely.
Questions or need help? Write to us at
After the successful first BSides Tallinn in 2021, the event will be back in Estonia. Mark your calendars for September 22 for BSides Tallinn 2022
What is BSides? It is a worldwide infosec event, organized by the local infosec community. BSides Tallinn is organized by a non-profit core-team, volunteers and sponsors. One distinguished element of all BSides events is that the talks on the stage are proposed by anyone and selected by a program committee consisting of local infosec gurus.
What is the content of BSides? Talks, presentations, demos, proof-of-concepts across a very broad spectrum of infosec topics. All of the content is proposed by community members – that is you! We encourage you to start thinking about presenting at BSides 2022, the call for papers (CFP) will open in the first months of the year. Final talks will be picked by a committee of professionals representing the organizers, private companies, academia, the state, freelancers.
Sponsors? Sponsors are a vital part of the community. We are open to a wide variety of collaboration ideas as long as we are on the common ground of keeping product pitches and commercial demos away from BSides stages and workshops. Please get in touch via
Volunteers! Volunteering is an unique opportunity to gain experience in organizing high-interest community event, meet exciting people, peek behind the scenes and just have fun.
Check out our Twitter and Facebook or come hang in our Slack to be up date with all news on BSides Tallinn 2022.
BSides Tallinn 2022 is organized by:

Aigar Käis
call for papers, talks & workshops

Hans Lõugas
finance, tickets, web

Liisa Tallinn
partners & sponsors

Silvia Väli
marketing, swag, volunteers

Matis Palm
event & logistics

Kati Jaanus
student program

Rainer Tugevus
event security