BSides Tallinn 2024 Ticket (community)


Regular ticket to BSides Tallinn 2024. Scroll down to see what’s included.

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SKU: bsidestll24-community Categories: ,


Ticket includes:

  • Conference track – listen, ask, discuss, argue
  • Side track + workshops – get your hands dirty with some hands-on practical sessions
  • Coffee and lunch during the day – conference survival basics
  • Access to after-party – get to know everyone else in the event in a relaxed setting
  • Free beers or soft drinks at after-party – let’s solve the Estonian proverb “alguses ei saa minema, pärast ei saa pidama” (limited amount)
  • T-shirt – cover your chest, sir/madam, or we’ll call the security!*
  • Extra surprises and goodies – announced nearer to the event…

* Indicate T-shirt size in the checkout form. If you ordered before Aug 24th, we can guarantee your requested size. T-shirt size for tickets purchased after Aug 24th is “best effort” basis.

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