Privacy Policy

Who we are

BSides Tallinn event is organized by and products are sold by an Estonian non-profit organization MTÜ BSides Tallinn (legal address Teelise 10-44, Tallinn 10916, Estonia; registry code: 80597934). You can contact us via email and read more about us from here.


We don’t want to handle your personal data for any second longer than we need. And we need to handle your personal data only to help fulfil our mission (organize BSides Tallinn). We operate this e-shop with the sole purpose of funding our activities, i.e organizing BSides Tallinn.

Data we collect

When you make a purchase from this e-shop, we may collect following information from you for the following reason:

  • ticket holder name – to determine who should we give the ticket to
  • email – to send purchase-related information and any updates regarding purchase (stuff like “we have chosen this nice BBQ menu for the event after-party, is it OK with you or do you prefer vegan?”)
  • company name & address – to issue a formal invoice, if the ticket is purchased by an entity who needs an invoice for their bookkeeping
  • country – for issuing invoice or determining shipping possiblities
  • parcel machine location – to ship products (like t-shirt) to parcel machines for customers from eligible countries
  • phone number – to be able to send the parcel to a parcel machine

We also ask you if you agree to receive emails from us with information not related to your purchase, e.g next year’s BSides Tallinn.


We really like cookies, especially chocolate-chip.

On our website, we try to avoid saving information to visitor’s device (a.k.a. cookies). That’s why we do not use Google Analytics, you can’t comment in our e-shop or create an account.

But we still need to use a couple session-related cookies to help you add items to your cart and complete your purchase. These are:

  • woocommerce_cart_hash
  • woocommerce_items_in_cart
  • wp_woocommerce_session_

We do not use these cookies to track you, sell your data to third parties, or for absolutely anything else bsides completing your purchase.

Who we share your data with

We do not share your data with third parties, except when this is necessary for completing your purchase (for example, sending your T-shirt size to our supplier or your phone number to parcel delivery service provider) or when we are required to do so by law (for example, tax declarations).

How long we retain your data

We focus on our annual BSides Tallinn event, all our operations are related to that. Therefore we will retain your data until the annual event is over. After that we consider our services rendered and we will delete your data.

There is an exception to this rule: if you’ve opted in to receiveing email notifications about events, then we will retain your email address for future to send you updates.

Take back consent and data requests

At any moment, you may request a full report about the data that we have about you.

Also, you may take back your consent for receiving informational messages via email.

Please send your requests to to do that. Allow us up to 14 days to process your request (this seems long, we know, but this is a volunteer-run organization with no paid employees).


If you have any questions regarding privacy then contact us via